
Throughout many years of independent music production and recording, I gained a substantial understanding of the mixing fundamentals, intermediate production techniques and basic engineering skills, as well as music theory and composition, culminating in the release of my first EP on many major streaming services.


My first EP, released in September 2021 on all major streaming platforms features instrumental songs only, ranging a number of different styles and inspirations. Written and produced in the span of two years, the main objective of this record was to create a solid foundation to display my musical abilities, to later collaborate with other musicians on more complex projects.
The independent nature of this work, built from scratch exclusively in home studio scenarios, is also a testament to the range of my skills, which albeit not focused on any specific phase of the process, is sufficiently substantial throughout.

Personal project

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Digital Audio-Visual Ideation Demonstration (Ensamble)

A live coding virtual performance, developed in conjunction with David Moloney, in the context of the “Creative Coding” (CS4059) module at the University of Limerick. The remote performance consisted of creating a music piece through coding in real time using Sonic Pi, while the other artist developed a visualisation, using Hydra as coding environment, to be displayed along with it.

Academic project